Mga example gikan sa among komunidad
167 resulta sa 'enl'

2R -able Suffix
Complete the sentence

2G Power Words
Complete the sentence

1G Power Words
Complete the sentence

1R Hard Prefixes and Suffixes
Complete the sentence

Pu Latin Root -dict-

2B Single and Double Consonants
Group sort

2B Three Syllable Words
Complete the sentence

Or Greek Root -geo-

2B Vowel Patterns
Complete the sentence

Pu Latin Root -mal-
Complete the sentence

ENL Emotions Set 1
Find the match

ENL 3 - Biography

Women's History Month Informational Text Structure
Gameshow quiz

ENL. synonyms
Balloon pop

What are they doing?

School Supplies
Match up

2G Power Words-2
Matching pairs

morning routine
Random wheel

Contraction Game with "be"
Matching pairs

Berto and his good ideas
Match up

English Class Word review
Random wheel

What's the matter?
Match up

Fact and Opinion Sort Game
Group sort

Strock's Wheel Of Questions for ENL
Random wheel

Olympic Soccer

Scientific Method
Match up

Months ENL
Random cards

ENL Questions
Random wheel

ENL Firefighter

2R un- Prefix
Matching pairs

1R Easy Word Beginnings and Suffixes

Pu Latin Root -lab-
Balloon pop

Pu Greek Root -para-
Balloon pop

Pu Greek Root -cracy- / -crat- Word Sort
Group sort

Pu Greek Root -aut- / -auto- Word Sort
Group sort

Or Latin Root -fract- / -frag- Word Sort
Group sort

Arabic-English 2G Direction Words
Balloon pop

Or Latin Root -sci-
Find the match

Or Greek Root -gen-
Matching pairs

2B Inflectional Endings

2G Shapes
Labelled diagram

1B Zone 2 Vowel Teams and Silent E
Complete the sentence

Pu Latin Root -ment-
Balloon pop
Pu Greek Root -pol-
Complete the sentence
Pu Greek Root -ism-
Matching pairs
Or Latin Root -grad-
Complete the sentence
Or Greek Root -log-
Match up
Wt -able Suffixes
Complete the sentence
Word Sort - Short A, I, E (Sound ONLY)
Group sort
Arabic-English 2G Family Members
Or Greek Root -eco-
Match up
Or Greek Roots
Find the match
2R Vowels Split
Wt -less Suffixes
Complete the sentence
Arabic-English 2G Days of the Week
Match up
Wt -en Suffixes
Wt im-, in-, ill- ,and ir- Prefix Sort
Group sort