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65 resulta sa 'ite'

6.11 ate, ite long short sort
Group sort

Matching pairs

word family -ight -ite -y -ind
Group sort

10.1 What says ite/ate/ine? Wilson 10.1
Gameshow quiz

ate, ite, ine, ile words
Group sort

ate ite ine Wilson 10.1
Random wheel

-ate/-ite memory
Matching pairs

Wilson 10.1 (ite, ate, ine)

6.11 ITE and ATE Units
Random cards

6.11 ITE and ATE Units
Matching pairs

-it,-et,-ite,-ate =/it ate =/ate/
Matching pairs

3 sounds of ITE
Open the box

Terrence ite/ate/ine
Matching pairs

-ite, ipe flashcards
Flash cards

10.1 age, ate, ite group sort
Group sort

6.11 ate, ite sort

6.11 ate vs ite
Group sort

ite ate words

ITE and ATE Units
Random cards

it, et, ite, ate
Matching pairs

gram to ite
Match up

10.1 age, ite, ate group sort
Group sort

Week #25, -ite words
Match up

ight/ ite SORT
Group sort

Week 25 Words ( -ite, -ine )
Matching pairs

6.11 ITE and ATE Units
Balloon pop

10.1 ate ite ine sort
Group sort

6.11 ITE and ATE Units

ime, ine, ipe, ite match
Find the match

it, ite, et, ate endings
Open the box

jumbled -ire and -ite words

OG2 affixes ate ite aero
Find the match

-ite pronounciation /īt/ or /ət/
Balloon pop

-ate pronounciation /āt/ or /ət/
Balloon pop

conveyor belt memory -ate, -ite
Watch and memorize

6.11 ate & ite: long & short sounds
Group sort

Terrence 10.1 ate ite ine sort
Group sort

Finish the sentence - ate/ite/ance/ence
Pagdaug o pildi nga quiz

10.1 Suffix Sort (-ice, -ile, -ine, -ite)
Group sort

Random cards

Memory IDE v ID; ITE v IT
Matching pairs

Spire 8 ate, ite long short sort
Group sort

-ate -ite -ine words 10.1 A
Random cards

10.1 syllable cards ate ite ine
Match up

Airplane Sort IDE v ID; ITE v IT

-ight or -ite Whack A Mole

-ite, -ate, -it, -et, Period 5 week 6
Matching pairs

Fiona ine, ite,ate sort 12/10/23
Group sort
Phonics Level 3: ine/ike/ime/ide/ipe/ite/ive
Open the box
wilson 10.6 (ace,ate,age,ite,ice,ine,ile)
Matching pairs