Mga example gikan sa among komunidad
357 resulta sa 'paf'

PAF 97
Find the match

PAF 67 -th-
Flash cards

Spell ai and ay words PAF 144

Magic e
Gameshow quiz

W ran-fed words
Matching pairs

W - pet to bit words
Matching pairs

-nd and -lf WORDS
Random wheel

PAF 111 word match
Maze chase

PAF 81 VC/CV matchup
Match up

PAF 83-84 -lf -nd
Find the match
PAF 102 "there" red word sentences
Find the match
CVC all vowels
Flash cards
Beginning Blends (l and r)
Random wheel
PAF 59-60 -ff -ll words
Matching pairs
PAF 107 sm- sn-
Flash cards
er suffixes (comparing or a person)
Group sort
Sentence fill in with -ck words
Find the match
112 st- blend
Flash cards
PAF -nd -nt -lf -st WORDS
Random wheel
PAF 97
Flash cards
Review of th ch and ck
Open the box
PAF 102 cl-
Flash cards
PAF 27 (possessive s)
Pagdaug o pildi nga quiz
Word Magnets
Word magnets