Mga example gikan sa among komunidad
1,888 resulta sa 'people'
Describing the appearance
Labelled diagram
Describing personality
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Describing appearance
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People - adjectives
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Adjectives - People
Match up
covid 19 hangman
would you rather
Random cards
Describing People
Describe people
Find the match
Maze chase
Describe the people
Random cards
People of the American Colonies
Match up
Describing People
Open the box
Historical People
Match up
Describing people
Group sort
Famous people.
Random cards
describing people
Gameshow quiz
People, place, or thing? 1H
Group sort
Idioms that describe people 2
Match up
Gameshow quiz
Community People, Places, and Things (Sort)
Group sort
Describing people
Greeting People
Complete the sentence
Community People
Matching pairs
Famous People
Random cards
Inviting people
Rank order
Careers: Do These People Enjoy Their Jobs?
True or false
Maze chase
How many snow people?
Random wheel
1.29a Community Places & People
Match up
People (Singular and Plural)
Match up
kXP4A Review Describing people
Match up
Gameshow quiz
People of the Civil War
Maze chase
People of the American Revolution
Maze chase
People of the American Revolution
Match up
People (Pronouns) He - She - It
Random wheel
Speculate about the past - How did people:
Random wheel
A Few Key People of the War of 1812
Match up
What do these people do for jobs?
Open the box
Safe versus Unsafe people in the Community
Complete the sentence
Key People from the Roaring 20s
Match up
Describing people
Match up
Describing people
Maze chase
People / لوگ
Find the match
People & Animals
Match up
Describing people
Gameshow quiz
Modern Family tree: Who are these people to CLAIRE?
Labelled diagram
KD - HOE - Theme A - Chapter 1 Review - Nouns People
Random wheel
Adjectives to describe people
Find the match