
Quran tafseer

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314 resulta sa 'quran tafseer'

Surah Al Fatiha 1
Surah Al Fatiha 1 Open the box
 Surah Al Fatiha 1
Surah Al Fatiha 1 Open the box
Surah Poster Quiz: Al-Fatihah
Surah Poster Quiz: Al-Fatihah Quiz
Surah Al-Mutafefeen
Surah Al-Mutafefeen Match up
سورة قريش
سورة قريش Match up
Missing Word Surah Al-Asr
Missing Word Surah Al-Asr Complete the sentence
Tafseer Suratul-Inshiqaaq #1
Tafseer Suratul-Inshiqaaq #1 Quiz
Sort the following ayas acording to Mad type
Sort the following ayas acording to Mad type Group sort
AlFajr Word Tafseer 1-14
AlFajr Word Tafseer 1-14 Balloon pop
about Islaam
about Islaam Find the match
Vocabulary Surah Ash-Shams Find the Match
Vocabulary Surah Ash-Shams Find the Match Find the match
Surat Alt-Tariq 6-10
Surat Alt-Tariq 6-10 Match up
Surah Al-Asr
Surah Al-Asr Balloon pop
Surah As-Shams Fill in the Blank
Surah As-Shams Fill in the Blank Complete the sentence
Nooraniyyah Lesson 4 Test!
Nooraniyyah Lesson 4 Test! Open the box
Noon Rules
Noon Rules Match up
سورة الدُّخان
سورة الدُّخان Labelled diagram
Tajweed Quiz
Tajweed Quiz Quiz
RA Sometimes Soft Sometimes Strong
RA Sometimes Soft Sometimes Strong Group sort
 همزة الوصل ، همزة القطع
همزة الوصل ، همزة القطع Whack-a-mole
 من العصر - الناس - Review -
من العصر - الناس - Review - Quiz
  همزة الوصل ، همزة القطع
همزة الوصل ، همزة القطع Group sort
Tajweed Quiz
سورة التين
سورة التين Match up
Surat AlFajr: Fill in the Blank Ayat 1-14
Surat AlFajr: Fill in the Blank Ayat 1-14 Complete the sentence
Alfalaq Rank order
Strong and Soft Letters
Strong and Soft Letters Gameshow quiz
أشكال الحروف العربية / القاعدة النورانية
أشكال الحروف العربية / القاعدة النورانية Find the match
 Tajweed rules (Biginners)
Tajweed rules (Biginners) Maze chase
Is Quiz
  اللام القمرية واللام الشمسية
اللام القمرية واللام الشمسية Open the box
Qalqalah letters - Quran
Qalqalah letters - Quran Open the box
سورة الشمس / Ash Shams
سورة الشمس / Ash Shams Complete the sentence
Tajweed Rules
Tajweed Rules Eroplano
 حروف القلقلة
حروف القلقلة Whack-a-mole
 حروف القلقلة
حروف القلقلة Maze chase
معاني أسماء سور القرآن
معاني أسماء سور القرآن Matching pairs
 Al Buruj سورة البروج
Al Buruj سورة البروج Complete the sentence
   الشَّمْسِ /Surah As-Shams Fill in the Blank
الشَّمْسِ /Surah As-Shams Fill in the Blank Complete the sentence
Nooraniah Lesson 6
Nooraniah Lesson 6 Open the box
 25 - 37 Surah Al Qalam / سورة القلم
25 - 37 Surah Al Qalam / سورة القلم Unjumble
surat Alburooj 12-13
surat Alburooj 12-13 Complete the sentence
Surat AlFajr: Fill in the blank, Ayat 15-30
Surat AlFajr: Fill in the blank, Ayat 15-30 Complete the sentence
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