1) "Listen up, people. Many of you are here because you have been caught breaking the rules of the road. That cannot be allowed. If you want to drive a car, it is very important that you conform to certain rules and laws. a) environment, area around you b) follow, do as others do c) command, control 2) You have to come to a complete stop at stop signs. It is essential that you are aware of your surroundings at all times. a) absolutely necessary b) follow, do as others do c) environment, area around you 3) You have to come to a complete stop at stop signs. It is essential that you are aware of your surroundings at all times. a) absolutely necessary b) follow, do as others do c) environment, area around you 4) In order to helm a motor vehicle. you have to be awake and alert.  a) command, control b) tired, sleepy c) absolutely necessary 5) You cannot be drowsy. You cannot be focused on other things. A car can be very dangerous if its driver is not paying attention. a) tired, sleepy b) absolutely necessary c) follow, do as others do 6) Write the best new word for each idea: I'm in charge of flying this plane a) conform b) helm c) drowsy 7) Write the best new word for each idea: I'm ready for bed. a) conform b) surroundings c) drowsy 8) Write the best new word for each idea: I'm going to do what everyone else is doing. a) essential. b) surroundings c) conform 9) Write the best new word for each idea: I must study if I want to get an "A" on the test. a) essential b) conform c) drowsy 10) Write the best new word for each idea: I live in a big city that has tall buildings a) essential b) surroundings c) helm

Rules of the Road Context Clues Story/Quiz


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