have a crush on someone - to have a feeling of love and admiration for someone, often someone you know you cannot have a relationship with, ask someone out - to invite someone to come with you to a place such as the cinema or a restaurant, especially as a way of starting a romantic relationship, love at first sight - strong and immediate attraction to someone you have just met, go on a date - go somewhere with someone you like to know more about each other, hang out - to spend time with someone, either in a public place or at home, stand someone up - not turn up for a date, fall in love - to develop a deep romantic attachment to someone, get on well with somebody - to have a good relationship, hold hands - to put your hand around someone else's hand as a show of affection, tie the knot - to get married, propose - to ask someone to marry you, be in a relationship - to be romantically involved with someone, play hard to get - to act as if you are not interested in someone so that they will try harder to get you to be interested in them, flirt with someone - to behave as if you are interested in someone, in a not serious way,

Saint Valentine's Day


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