1) Your sister is watching tv and you want to watch a show. What do you do? a) Take the remote and put on your show  b) Ask if you can have a turn c) Tell mom d) Throw something at them 2) Your teacher was giving direction and you missed what she said. What do you do? a) Ask for help b) Do nothing c) Turn off your computer and take a nap 3) what do you do when you feel sad? a) Give mom a hug b) Do something that makes you happy c) get mad d) take a deep breath 4) You are looking for your favorite marker and you can't find it anywhere. You are mad now. What do you do? a) Scream and cry b) Throw something c) Take a deep breath d) ask for help 5) Your friend came over and she wanted to watch barbie princess but you wanted to watch reck it, Ralph. What do you do?   a) Tell her no b) Watch both movies c) Watch something you both want to watch d) get mad and have your mom send your friend back home 6) It's break time in class and someone is reading your favorite book. what do you do? a) take it from them and say its mine b) Ask if you can have a turn c) Tell the teacher 7) What do you say when you don't know the answer? a) I don't know b) say nothing c) make up something 8) You woke up in a bad mood. What can you do to make yourself feel better? a) Take a deep breath b) Have some alone time c) Take a walk outside d) Cry e) Hit something f) be mean to people 9) What your favorite season? a) Summer b) Winter c) Spring d) Fall 10) Your mom and Sister are playing a game. You want to play too. What do you do? a) Ask "Can I play?" b) Nothing and do something else  c) Cry because they didn't ask you if you wanted to play 

What do you do?

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