Fast food is great/ Fast food is bad for you., Rap music is very creative/ Rap music is annoying. , There are many/few good reasons for watching television., Everyone should know how to swim. Learning to swim is not necessary., Newspapers/the internet is the best place to get one's news., Shopping is fun/ Shopping is tiresome and boring., Teenagers should/should not have their own cell phone., I should/shouldn't have to go on vacation with my family each year., The internet is mostly a good/bad thing., I should/shouldn't have to take math in school., Homework should/should not be given., Aliens probably exist. There are no aliens., Kids should get paid for doing homework., Kids should be able to vote., Dogs/cats make the best pets., School days should start earlier/later., Kids should spend more/less time in school., Should standardized testing be eliminated?, Are kids too dependent on technology?, Should young kids be allowed to play football?, If you had a lot of money, what charity would you donate to?, Are video games harmful or helpful?, What law do you think the government should pass this year?, Should helmets be mandatory for motorcyclists?.
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