1) Have you ever ... a mountain? a) climbed b) climb 2) .... he ever been to Disneyland? a) Have b) Has 3) No, I have ...clowns performing tricks. a) never seen  b) ever seen 4) I .... on a rollercoaster once in my life a) have been b) have never been 5) They ...... from their holiday in Japan a) have just returned b) has just returned 6) He... from a holiday to America a) has come back b) have come back 7) James ...... to the house before a) comes round b) has come round 8) Adam .... written a book a) has written b) have written 9) You .... tidied you room a) haven't b) hasn't 10) Tom ..... a cafe that sells her favourite cheese a) has come under b) has come across

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