1) You chose this school. If you (not choose) it, you (be) ... now. 2) You like animals. If you (not like), you ... last year. 3) You started smoking at school. If you (not start), you ... now. 4) You are nice to people. If you (not be), they ... last year. 5) You forgot about your friend’s birthday. If you (not forget), your friend ... now 6) You don't like learning. If you (like), you ... last week. 7) You didn’t have breakfast. If you (do) it, you ... now 8) You played truant. If you (not do), you ... now. 9) You are sociable. If you (not be), people ... in the past. 10) You are talkative. If you (not be), you ... last month.

Mixed Conditionals (conditions in the past with results now | conditions now with past results)


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