1) The scattering of the Jewish people after Rome destroyed the temple in 70 CE a) Talmud b) Exodus c) Diaspora d) Torah 2) The escape of Jews from slavery under pharaohs in Egypt. a) Exodus b) exile c) Diaspora 3) This angel was revered in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam a) Joseph b) Jackson c) Gabriel d) Moses 4) Which one of the following is NOT common to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? a) Ten Commandments b) Gabriel c) one true God d) Qur'an 5) The Jewish homeland is located in modern day a) Israel b) Lebanon c) Egypt d) Italy 6) What was Moses most famous for? a) writing the Talmud b) built the Temple in Jerusalem c) led the Exodus d) brought Abraham to Canaan 7) Why was Mt. Sinai an important place in the life of Moses? a) where he died b) where God spoke to him through burning c) where he was born d) Where God handed him the Ten Commandments 8) The wise teachers who explain the Torah and Talmud a) ministers b) imans c) rabbis 9) A Jewish place of prayer, meetings, and teaching a) church b) mosque c) synagogues d) meeting house 10) This group was the first to destroy the Temple of Solomon a) Sumerians b) Romans c) Luddites d) Babylonians 11) The Jewish homeland was re-established a) after WWII in 1948 b) after the Fall of Rome c) after the Crusades in the Middle Ages 12) In Islam, Muslims gather at the .... for religious services a) temple b) church c) mosque d) synagogues 13) Jews was born, lived, and died a a) Christian b) Muslim c) Hindu d) Jew 14) This man established a great nation in Canaan after God told to leave Ur.  a) Moses b) David c) Solomon d) Abraham 15) This Jewish king was known for his imperfections, great poetry, and leadership a) David b) Solomon c) Moses 16) This Jewish leader rebuilt the Temple after its initial destruction a) David b) Jesus c) Pontius Pilate d) Herod 17) Why is the Western Wall revered by Jews? a) it's all that's left of the Temple of Solomon b) Jesus ascended into Heaven from this spot c) The Roman army was defeated here d) It has sacred writing on it 18) The word covenant means a) agreement b) peace treaty c) holy 19) Used to purify believers in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam a) olive oil b) unleavened bread c) water d) thyme 20) The job of a prophet a) help people get to Heaven b) brbring the word of God to people on earth c) guide kings in war d) teach Hebrew and the Torah 21) Wrote about Jewish law and was read and respected by Islamic and Christians thinkers a) Moses b) Jesus c) Maimonides d) Solomon 22) The universal truth that one should treat others as one would like to be treated a) charity b) Golden Rule c) Exodus d) freedom 23) The part of the Christian Bible that tells the story of Jesus and his teachings a) Old Testament b) New Testament c) Books of Moses d) Talmud 24) a day of rest and prayer a) Yom Kippur b) sabbath c) Passover d) Lent 25) Jewish time of reflection and atonement a) Yom Kippur b) Christmas c) Passover d) Easter 26) This Persian king freed Jews from slavery and exile in Babylon a) Xerxes b) Cyrus c) Attila d) Augustus 27) The march of Jews to freedom from slavery in Egypt is celebrated by a) Passover b) Easter c) Yom Kippur d) Good Friday 28) According to the Torah, the Temple of Solomon was home to a) the birthplace of Jesus b) the Ark of the Covenant c) the golden horn and calf d) the birthplace of Moses 29) Israel is home to all BUT a) deserts b) fertile valleys c) rain forests d) coastline 30) Israel is approximately the size of a) New York b) Texas c) Montana d) New Jersey 31) What drove Jews from Canaan to Egypt long before Moses was born? a) war b) disease c) famine d) wanderlust 32) A nation of sea traders in modern day Lebanon a) Greeks b) Persians c) Phoenicians 33) Invented the 22 letter alphabet that eventually led to our 26 letter alphabet a) Persians b) Arabians c) Phoenicians d) Greeks 34) 613 commandments to guide moral and religious behavior can be found in the a) New Testament b) Qur'an c) Torah 35) widespread starvation often due to drought, disease, war, or insects a) irrigation b) famine c) pestilence d) gluttony



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