COMTE: "father of sociology", reliable and authentic knowledge can only be obtained by using scientific method, focus on social order and social change, positivism, SPENCER: society was made up of parts that work together to provide stability, Social Darwinism, against social reform; believed society would correct itself, MARX: class conflict exists in all societies, wrote "The Communist Manifesto", capitalism caused society's problems, the economy dictated people's values and beliefs, DURKHEIM: focus on shared experiences & "solidarity", collective conscience, studied religious rituals, groundbreaking suicide studies, WEBER: Verstehen, ideal type, sociologists should study the feelings & thoughts of individuals, humans act on their personal understanding of a situation, MARTINEAU: traveled to America to observe democracy, translated Comte's work into English, radical views: pro-Union, abolish slavery, women's vote, ADDAMS: Hull House, Nobel Peace Prize, founder of field of social work, DUBOIS: pioneer in the study of race relations, co-founder NAACP, activist to end race discrimination & social injustice,
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