1) Power = a) Current x Time b) Voltage x Current c) Voltage / Current d) Energy x Time 2) Power = Voltage x Current. What is the power produced when the voltage is 2.0V and a current of 6.0A flows? a) 12.0 Watts b) 3 Watts c) 0.33 Joules 3) Power = Voltage x Current. The supply voltage is 12.0V, what is the current when the power output is 120W? a) 0.1A b) 1.0A c) 10.0A d) 100.0A 4) Power = Voltage x Current. The supply voltage is 12.0V, what is the current when the power output is 12W? a) 0.1A b) 1.0A c) 10.0A d) 100.0A 5) Power = Voltage x Current. The supply voltage is 12.0kV, what is the current when the power output is 120kW? a) 0.1A b) 1.0A c) 10.0A d) 100.0A 6) Power = Voltage x Current. What is the power produced when the voltage is 6.0V and a current of 2.0A flows? a) 12.0 b) 3.0 Watts c) 0.33 Watts d) 12.0 Watts 7) Power = Energy Transferred / Time. What is the power when 300J is transferred in 3 seconds? a) 900 W b) 100 W c) 0.01 W 8) Power = Energy Transferred / Time. What is the power when 300J is transferred in 30 seconds? a) 9000 W b) 10 W c) 100 W d) 10 Js 9) Power = Energy Transferred / Time. If 1000J is transferred with a power of 10W, how long does it take? a) 1 s b) 10 s c) 1 minute 40 seconds d) 1000 s 10) How many seconds are there in a normal 365 day year? a) 8 760 b) 525 600 c) 31 536 000 d) 31 563 000 11) If I leave a 60W light bulb switched on for a whole year, how much energy is transferred? a) 1 892 160 000 J b) 1 892 kJ c) 1 892 mJ d) 1 892 610 000 12) Power x Time = Energy Transferred. A 10 kW wind turbine runs for 1 day. How much energy is transferred? a) 864 000J b) 864 000 kJ c) 864 000 000 kJ d) 86.4 MJ 13) Charge = Current x ? a) Volts b) Energy c) Amps d) Time 14) Charge = Current x Time. 2.0A flows for 10 seconds. How much chrage is transferred? a) 20 Charges b) 20 Coulombs c) 5 Coulombs d) 0.2 Charges 15) Charge = Current x Time. A charge of 5.0 Coulombs is transferred in 10 seconds. What is the current? a) 50 A b) 0.5 A c) 5 A d) 2 A 16) Charge = Current x Time. A current of 3 A transfers a total charge of 33 C, how long does this take? a) 11 minutes b) 99 seconds c) 11 seconds d) 0.091 seconds

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