1) What was the name of Matilda's parents? a) Mr and Mrs Wormwood b) Mr and Mrs Woodward c) Mr and Mrs Woodworm 2) What was Matilda's brother's name? a) Maxwell b) Michael c) Matthew 3) To what did Matilda's parents compare her? a) A grub b) A gnat c) A scab 4) What two adjectives describe Matilda the best? a) clever and boring b) stupid and cunning c) clever and mischievious 5) What did Mr Wormwood do for a living? a) A car salesman b) A car mechanic c) A TV engineer 6) What adjective best describes Mr Wormwood? a) greedy b) dishonest c) moody 7) In which sentence is the apostrophe used correctly? a) Matildas' father was a grumpy man. b) 'H'es in here somewhere,' yelled Mrs Wormwood c) Mrs Phelps didn't like to interfere with other people's children 8) Which is the correct option? a) Matilda had long eye lashes b) Matilda had long eye lashs c) Matilda had long eye lash's 9) What did Mrs Wormwood like to do in the afternoons? a) Watch TV b) Go shopping c) Go to Bingo 10) How did Matilda get revenge on her father when he first upset her? a) Put sawdust in his hat b) Put super glue on the brim of his hat c) Put a parrot up the chimney 11) What was the name of the lady who worked in the Library who was kind to Matilda? a) Mrs Phelps b) Mrs Philips c) Mrs Philpot 12) What did Miss Honey think was extraordinary about Matilda? a) She was good at Maths and times tables at five years old b) She was only five but she had read difficult books by famous authors c) She could read and do Maths and yet she was only 5 13) Which description describes Miss Trunchbull best? a) She wore brown breeches and silver buckle b) She wore bottle green breeches and green stockings c) She wore brown stockings and green shoes 14) What was the name of the cupboard in which Miss Trunchbull put naughty children? a) The Chokey b) The Cokey c) The Cokeroom 15) What figure of speech is: The Trunchbull was like a terrible tyrant a) A metaphor b) Alliteration c) A simile 16) What punishment did Miss Trunchbull give Bruce Bogtrotter? a) To eat a piece of cake in a few seconds b) To eat a huge chocolate cake c) To eat a cake in front of everyone else 17) What did Hortensia do to upset Miss Trunchbull? a) she put itching powder into all of her gym knickers b) She put syrup into her gym knickers c) She put superglue into all her gym knickers 18) What sport did Miss Trunchbull take part in in the Olympics? a) The discus b) The javelin c) The hammer

Matilda Quiz


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