cell membrane - selectively permeable, made up of phospholipids and protein, diffusion - movement of substances from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, passive process, osmosis - movement of water molecules from an area of high water concentation to an area of low water concentration through a selectively permiable membrane, passive process, plasmolysed - cytoplasm pulls away from the cell wall, occurs when plant is placed in a low water concentration solution, turgid - swelling of a plant cell, due to being placed in a solution with high water concentation , burst - occurs in animal cells when placed in a solution with low salt concentration, shrink - occurs in animal cells when placed in a solution with a high salt concentration, active transport - movement of substances from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration via membrane proteins, requires ATP/energy, concentration gradient - difference in concentration of substances in two areas, selectively / semi permeable - allows the movement of some (smaller) molecules but not others (larger molecules), passive transport - movement of molecules down a concentration gradient, does not require energy, diffusion examples - animal- glucose/oxygen into the cell, removal of carbon dioxide/waste. plants = carbon dioxide and amino acids into the cell, transport methods - diffusion, osmosis, active transport,
National 5 Biology KA1.2 Transport across membranes
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