1) broken pencil a) big b) medium c) small 2) hurt arm a) big b) medium c) small 3) forgot backpack & lunch a) big b) medium c) small 4) not first in line a) big b) medium c) small 5) didn't get my turn in a game a) big b) medium c) small 6) teacher didn't call on me a) big b) medium c) small 7) didn't get my turn on the swings a) big b) medium c) small 8) car accident a) big b) medium c) small 9) sick in hospital a) big b) medium c) small 10) marker dried up a) big b) medium c) small 11) glue stick ran out a) big b) medium c) small 12) fighting & not sharing a toy a) big b) medium c) small 13) getting pushed down a) big b) medium c) small 14) do not have snack a) big b) medium c) small 15) being last in line a) big b) medium c) small 16) fire a) big b) medium c) small 17) friend accidently stepped on my toe & said "sorry" a) big b) medium c) small 18) lost my mitten a) big b) medium c) small 19) dropped all my lunch on the floor a) big b) medium c) small 20) missing recess a) big b) medium c) small 21) someone cut you in line a) big b) medium c) small 22) someone took your lunch and won't give it back a) big b) medium c) small d) tri 23) tripped at recess and skinned my knee a) big b) medium c) small 24) ran out of time at play workshop a) big b) medium c) small 25) classmate won't listen when I say, "no ,thank you" a) big b) medium c) small

Big -Medium -Small Size of the Problem - Kindergarten


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