畫家 - artist ; painter , 過年 - to celebrate the New Year, 圖書館 - library, 果汁 - juice, 開車 - drive, 信封 - envelope, 河馬 - hippopotamus, 流汗 - sweat, 海邊 - seashore, 回答 - to answer, 馬路 - street; road, 鳥巢 - bird nest, 寫字 - to write, 分開 - to separate, 合作 - to cooperate, 耳朵 - ear, 青菜 - green vegetable, 請坐 - please have a seat, 蛋黃 - egg yolk, 說話 - to speak, 害怕 - to be afraid of, 牛奶 - milk, 書包 - backpack, 午飯 - lunch, 山羊 - goat, 門鈴 - door bell, 兩個 - two; a pair, 老鼠 - rat; mouse, 表哥 - elder male cousin, 猜拳 - guessing game,



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