1) What is a Culture Region? a) area with many cultures b) area with many states c) area with one dominant culture present d) area with many countries 2) What is a delta? a) a flat plain formed on the seabed b) a river c) an airplane d) a jungle 3) what is a theocracy? a) a type of economy b) a part of a democracy c) a form of limited government d) a government run by a religious power 4) what is monotheism a) a bible b) a belief in a single God c) a form of government d) an economy 5) what are hieroglyphics? a) egyptian system of writing using pictures b) african system of writing c) a culture d) a city in africa 6) What is desalination? a) Drinking salt water b) A process for removing salt from ocean water to create fresh water c) Mrs. Reece trying to be less salty d) I do not have a clue 7) What country is south of Turkey a) Iraq b) Egypt c) Kenya d) United States 8) What is one way that countries in Southwest Asia and North Africa adapt to their surroundings? a) They use desalination to get fresh water b) They hang out at an oasis c) They sell rugs d) They swim in the Red Sea. 9) Where is the Sahara Desert located a) South Africa b) North Africa c) South Asia d) North Asia 10) After WW II, what country was established for the Jews? a) Egypt b) Iraq c) Iran d) Israel 11) Why are Egypt's farmlands so good for growing crops? a) The sand that is there b) They don't get much water c) The river floods and leaves good soil d) Because the pharaoh said so 12) Where is Iraq located? a) Between Syria and Iran b) Southern Europe c) Southern Africa d) Northern Asia 13) What impact does OPEC have on the world? a) They just hang out together b) They decide how many ships will be on the ocean c) They just meet to say hi to each other d) They can affect world oil and gas prices 14) Where is Turkey located? a) By Syria and Iraq b) In Europe c) In North America d) In Asia

Reece Unit 7 North Africa and Southwest Asia


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