Schenck v. United States - SCOTUS ruled that freedom of speech could be limited in times of crisis and war, Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier - SCOTUS ruled that administrators could limit students' freedom of speech such as editing content in a school newspaper that they deem inappropriate, Bethel School District v. Fraser - SCOTUS ruled that public schools have the right to limit vulgar and offensive speech, Tinker v. Des Moines - SCOTUS ruled that students do not leave all their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse door and that symbolic speech such as the wearing of black arm bands is protected, Texas v. Johnson - SCOTUS ruled that symbolic speech such as burning of the flag is constitutionally protected symbolic speech, Engel v. Vitale - SCOTUS ruled that that school-sponsored prayer in public schools violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment., Lemon v. Kurtzman - SCOTUS ruled that the government cannot give money directly to religious schools, NY Times v. United States  - SCOTUS ruled in favor of the press and stated that the publics right to know is more important that government secrecy, United States v. Miller - SCOTUS ruled that the right to bear arms can be restricted in some ways such as the outlawing sawed off shotguns, District of Columbia v. Heller - SCOTUS ruled that a law requiring all handguns must be kept unloaded and disassembled violated the 2nd amendment, McDonald v. Chicago - SCOTUS ruled that state and local governments could not restrict its citizens' rights to keep and bear arms by denying them the right to legally purchase a handgun for “lawful purposes.”, Caetano v. Massachusetts - SCOTUS ruled that the right of people to bear arms extends to arms that were not in existence at the time of the founding such as a stun gun,

Landmark SCOTUS Cases 1st & 2nd Amendment

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