1) What is Rosh HaShana? a) The first day of the New Year b) The anniversary of the creation of the world c) The Day of Judgement d) All of the above 2) What is the main symbol of Rosh HaShana a) b) c) d) e) 3) What is the most important mitzvah of Rosh HaShana? a) eating sweet foods b) blowing/hearing the shofar c) fasting d) wearing white clothing 4) What is the main theme of Rosh HaShana? a) saying we are sorry b) Its like a New Years party, but for Jews c) eating lots of honey to get a sweet year d) declaring the God is the Ruler of the world 5) What kind of day is Rosh HaShana? a) a happy day b) a serious day c) a super boring day d) a yummy day e) all of the above 6) How many types of sounds does the shofar make? a) one b) two c) three d) four 7) A shofar is made from: a) the horn of a kosher animal (except a cow) b) wood c) metal d) paper 8) Rosh HaShana takes place on the first day of the month of: a) Tishrei b) Elul c) August d) September 9) The month leading up to Rosh Hashana is: a) Tishrei b) Elul c) September d) August 10) What does שנה טובה (shana tova) mean?  a) Happy New Year! b) Good year! c) Happy Birthday! d) Hello! 11) What does Rosh HaShana mean? a) New Year b) Head of the Year c) January 1 d) Apples & Honey 12) Which Jewish holiday comes 10 days after Rosh Hashana a) Sukkot b) Simchat Torah c) Purim d) Yom Kippur 13) A holiday prayer book is called a: a) siddur b) machzor c) Shana Tova d) Torah 14) The longest sound of the shofar is called: a) Tekiah b) Shevarim c) Teruah d) Tekiah Gedolah 15) If Rosh HaShana happens on Shabbat, do we sound the shofar? a) Yes b) No 16) We prepare in the month leading up to Rosh HaShana by: a) blowing the shofar daily b) praying c) giving extra tzedaka d) self-reflection e) all of the above 17) The ceremony of symbolically throwing our sins into a body of water is called: a) bedikat chametz b) Neila c) tashlich d) the seder

Rosh HaShana


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