brain dumping - Participants basically empty their brains. Everyone writes down all the ideas they already have and everything else that immediately pops into their minds. Give the group 10 minutes to write everything down. At the ten-minute-mark, discuss the ideas in the group., brain writing - Each person has a piece of paper and five minutes to write down as many solutions to the problem your team wants to solve. At the end of that time, they will then pass their piece of paper to another participant, who will build upon the ideas they had written down. You will repeat this process until everyone has contributed,, mind map - ___ is a visual technique that establishes relationships between the problem you are trying to solve and potential solutions. In the middle of a piece of paper or whiteboard, write your problem. In the area surrounding it, you will describe any related solutions or ideas raised by the team and link them to the central theme using lines., 6-3-5 - 6 participants write down 3 ideas on a paper in 5 minutes. After each participant takes a turn writing the 3 ideas, they pass the on to either contribute to the existing idea, or start again. After 6 rounds, 108 ideas are generated in 30 minutes., Worst idea - ___ asks participants to come up with their worst solutions to a problem. List all of the qualities that make this a bad idea. Now the participants must think about the opposites of those negative attributes to find what would turn those bad ideas into possible solutions., brain sketching - This is similar to brainwriting, but each participant draws ideas instead of writing them. These drawings are then passed around and built upon by other participants, and finally presented to everyone and discussed., brain walking - This is similar to brainwriting. Instead of passing idea cards or notes from one participant to another, participants have to get up from their seats and move to another spot around the brainstorming table or even to another table altogether.,

Environmental Leadership | Lesson 12

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