What is your favourite food?   My favorite food is _________________., What is your favorite animal?  My favorite animal is ________________., What is your favorite hobby?  My favorite hobby is ____________., What is your favorite time of year?  My favorite time of the year is _________., Who is your favorite character?  My favorite character is ______________., Who is your favorite singer?  My favorite singer is ___________., Who is your favorite sports person?  My favorite sports person is ____________., Who is your favorite superhero?  My favorite superhero is _____________., What is your favorite chocolate bar?  My favorite chocolate bar is ____________., What is your favorite subject in school?  My favorite subject in school is ________., Where is your favorite place?  My favorite place is _____________., What is your favorite game to play?  My favorite game to play is ____________., What is your favorite TV show?  My favorite TV show is ________________., What is your favorite time of day?  My favorite time of the day is _____________., What is your most favorite thing to do?  My favorite thing to do is _____________________., If you could have a power, what would it be?  If I could have a power, it would be ________..

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