Body - Bnei Yisrael are like different parts of one _____ (4 letters), Revenge - Hurting someone because they hurt you is called taking _____ (7 letters), You - Nekamah is when you do something bad to get back at someone who hurt ___ (3 letters), Netirah - When you are specifically nice to someone who hurt you to show that you're better, this is called ______ (7 letters, Hebrew word), Torah - The instruction manual for the world is the _____ (5 letters), Connect - We don't just learn Torah for knowledge, but as a way to _______ (7 letters) to Hashem, Man - Every single Jewish _____ (3 letters) has an obligation to learn Torah, regardless of their life circumstances, Son - A man has an obligation to teach Torah to his _____., Can - After his son & grandson, a man should teach Torah to anyone that he ______. (3 letters), Gemara - A man's Torah learning should consist of 3 parts: Tanach, Mishnah & _______ (6 letters), Perek Echad - At minimum a man should learn "___________" (10 letters, 2 Hebrew words) in the morning and evening, Review - Someone who learns Torah but doesn't _______ (6 letters) is compared to someone who plants grain but doesn't harvest it, Four - We should stand up when a talmid chochom comes within ___ amos. (4 letters), Parent - A teacher is like a spiritual _______ (6 letters), Teacher - If both a parent & teacher need something, the ______ (7 letters) comes first, Money - We are not required to lose ______ (5 letters) in order to respect a teacher, stare - To be careful about avodah zarah, we shouldn't even ______ (5 letters) at an idol., serve - We should not study how people ______ (5 letters) other gods, even if it's just for information., think - We should not even _______ (5 letters) about ideas that make us doubt Hashem., Nothing - The punishment (from Beis Din) for thinking about Avodah Zara is _______(7 letters), Erased - A person only receives skilah, if they "bless" a name of Hashem that cannot be ______. (6 letters), Bow - A person may not sacrifice an aniaml, burn anything as a present, pour liquid or ____ (3 letters) to ANY avodah zarah, even if that' not how it's usually served, Controls - The aveirah of avodah zarah is done by doing any action that shows that you think something other than Hashem _________ the world (8 letters),
Chidon Book 1: Review of Units 14-19
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