1) Your friend calls you a mean name, so you yell at him and call him a mean name back a) Self control b) Out of control 2) Your teacher is reading a book you don't like so you start making noise and rolling around on the floor a) Self control b) Out of control 3) Your friend is running in the hallway so you run after them and tell them not to run a) Self Control b) Out of Control 4) You follow the directions the teacher gives you right away a) Self Control b) Out of Control 5) You are upset that you didn't get called on to answer a question so you take a deep breath a) Self Control b) Out of control 6) You made an unexpected choice and get a teacher break, you calmly accept your consequence a) Self Control b) Out of Control 7) Your teacher gives you a math paper to do and you rip it up a) Self Control b) Out of Control 8) Your friend is bothering you while you are trying to work so you ignore them and keep reading a) Self Control b) Out of Control 9) You ask your mom for a new toy and she says no, so you throw yourself on the ground kicking and screaming a) Self Control b) Out of Control 10) You are upset at your teacher so you run out of the room a) Self Control b) Out of Control 11) You are sitting quietly listening to your teacher read a book a) Self Control b) Out of Control 12) You are taking turns playing a game with your friends a) Self Control b) Out of Control 13) You are playing around in the bathroom a) Self Control b) Out of Control 14) Your friend is telling a story and you wait your turn to speak a) Self Control b) Out of Control 15) You don't know how to do a math problem so you raise your hand and wait patiently for the teacher a) Self Control b) Out of Control 16) Your teacher is trying to give directions and you are plugging your ears a) Self Control b) Out of Control 17) You lose a game so you start pouting and calling your friends mean names a) Self Control b) Out of Control 18) You make a mistake on your work so you take a deep breath and try again a) Self Control b) Out of Control 19) You are upset in the classroom so you ask your teacher for a break a) Self Control b) Out of Control 20) Ms. Beane is Awesome and thinks you all are AWESOME too!!! a) True b) False

Self Control/Out of Control


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