Auditions - Tryouts for a production, Auguste Clown - A rodeo or circus clown; a clown whose make-up is red instead of white. Makeup and costume usually consist of exaggerated designs and items such as a huge painted mouth, accented eyes, a huge bow tie, large shirt, and large shoes, Authentic Evaluation - An evaluation involving real-life situations and role-playing to test skills and abilities in the real world, Basic makeup - Cosmetics applied to the face or body using the actor’s natural features, Blackout - Turning out all the stage lights at one time, Blocking - Planning and working out the movements and stage grouping for a play, Blocking rehearsals - Rehearsals for planning stage movement and groupings, Body positions - The angle of the actor’s body onstage in the relationship to the audience: full front, full back, one-quarter, profile, three-quarter, Breaking character - Losing concentration or getting out of character. Using dialogue or behavior inconsistent with the part you are creating., Breath control - The amount of force you use in inhaling and exhaling.,

Theatre Quiz 13


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