fertilisation - when the male sex cell (pollen) fuses with the female sex cell (egg), pollination - the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma, self-pollination - transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same plant, cross-pollination - the transfer of pollen from the anther of one plant to the stigma of a different plant, pollen - the male sex cell, egg (ovum) - the female sex cell, petals - brightly coloured to attract insects, stigma - sticky for pollen to attach to, ovary - makes eggs -develops into the fruit, ovule - stores eggs -develops into the seed, anther - makes pollen, filament - holds up the anther, sepal - protects the flower when in bud, nectary - makes nectar -a sweet liquid that insects like, carpel - the female reproductive organs, stamen - the male reproductive organs,

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