countryside - a place away from the city, extinct - an animal or plant which doesn't exist, heatwave - very hot weather, environment - the natural world: land, water, plants, animals, litter - small rubbish, mammal - animals which feed their babies on milk, mild - soft, warm, pleasant, preserve - to protect, take care, recycle - to treat waste so that it can be used again, sattelite - a small space object that moves around the planet or an object that is sent from Earth , solar system - the sun and the group of planets, species - a type of plants or animals, thunder - loud noise from the sky during a storm, lightning - bright flashes of light during the storm, wildlife - animals, birds and plants that live in natural conditions, BE AWARE, BE SHORT - OF, AN INCREASE - IN, ENTHUSIASTIC, SERIOUS - ABOUT, BLOW - UP A BOMB, BUILD - UP YOUR INCOME, CLEAR - UP YOUR MESS, THE FIRE - GOES OUT, THE FIREFIGHTERS - PUT OUT THE FIRE,
DESTINATION B1 Nature and Universe Unit 36
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