precedent - an example that would become practice; a tradition, inauguration - a ceremony where the president is sworn into office, national debt - the amount of money the government owes, neutrality - not taking sides in a conflict, foreign policy - government decisions and policies that relate to foreign countries, domestic policy - government decisions and policies that only relate to a president's home country, political parties - groups of people that try to influence the government; Ex: Federalists and Democratic-Republicans , aliens - immigrants living in the country who are not citizens, sedition - actions or speech convincing people to rebel against the government, nullify - to cancel a law, states’ rights - a belief that the power of the federal government should be limited and the state governments should have more power, impressment - was the act of forcing men to serve in the navy, diplomats - a person whose work is keeping good relations between the governments of different countries, unconstitutional - not following the constitution,

Washington and Adams Vocab


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