1) Saad bn Abi Waqas was often compared to a a) Young lion b) bird c) tiger d) eagle 2) The Prophet Muhammad (saw) used to meditate in the cave of Hira which was located in which mountain? a) Mount Thawr b) Mount Noor c) Mount Makkah d) Mount Uhud 3) The Prophet Muhammad (saw) used to meditate in the cave of Hira which was located in which mountain? a) Mount Thawr b) Mount Noor c) Mount Makkah d) Mount Uhud 4) Who was the father of the Prophet Muhammad saw? a) Abu Talib ra b) Abdullah ra c) Abd al Muttalib d) Ali ra 5) Saad bn Abi Waqas was the cousin of a) Amina ra mother of our Prophet b) Khadijah ra the wife of the Prophet c) Juwaria ra the wife of the Prophet d) Abdullah ra father of the Prophet 6) How old was the prophet Muhammad when he received the 1st revelation? a) 30 years b) 40 years c) 45 years d) 20 years 7) Which year was called the 'Year of Sorrow'? a) When Hamza ra was killed b) The year of migration to Madina c) The year Khadijah and Abu Talib passed away 8) Who advised the prophet (saw) to request Allah (swt) to reduce the number of prayers to 5? a) Musa as b) Isa as c) Ibrahim as d) Nuh as  9) Saad bn Abi Waqas was one of 10 who was a) promised jannah b) promised wealth c) promised a holiday d) promised friends 10) Which companion is mentioned by name in the Quran? a) Umar ibn Al Khataab ra b) Bilal Habashi ra c) Abu Bakar as Siddique ra d) Zayd Ibn Haritha ra 11) What is the name given to the year in which the Prophet Muhammad was born? a) The Year of Happiness b) The Year of Blessing  c) The Year of the Elephant d) The Year of Mercy 12) Saad bin Abi Waqas's superpower was a) His dua was always accepted b) He could freeze people c) He could make the blind see d) he could talk to birds 13) Which companion will be allowed to enter paradise from which ever gate he wishes? a) Umm Salama b) Uthman ibn Affan ra c) Musab ibn Umair ra d) Abu Bakar as siddiq ra 14) Which was the worst day the prophet Muahmmad (saw) was said to have experienced? a) Battle of Uhud b) Misbehaviour of the people of Taif c) Battle of Badar d) Battle of the Trench 15) The Prophet would eat a) Olives b) coco pops c) kitkat d) burgers 16) Which of the wives of the prophet Muhammad (saw) received greetings from angel Jibril? a) Kahdijah and Aisha ra b) Maymuna and Umm Habiba ra c) Juwariyyah and Safiyah ra d) Hind and Hafsa ra 17) Where was the prophet Muhammad (saw) born? a) Madina b) Taif c) Makka d) Yemen 18) What was the name of the tribe the prophet Muhammad (saw) belonged to? a) Banu Abs b) Banu Hashim c) Banu Nadir d) Banu Abd-Shams 19) Who named the prophet Muhammad (saw)? a) Abu Talib ra b) Abu Lahab ra c) Hamza ra d) Abd al Mutalib ra 20) When did the father of the prophet Muhammad (saw) pass away? a) before the prophet was born b) after the prophet was born c) when the prophet was 2 years old d) when the prophet was 6 years old 21) The prophet would eat a) pizza b) honey c) lollipops d) crisps 22) Prophet Muhammad (swt) born on a) 12 Rabi al Awal b) 25 Rabi al Awal c) 12 Ramadaan d) 12 Shabaan 23) Saad bn Abi Waqas belonged to the tribe of a) Bani Aws b) Bani Khazraj c) Banu Hashim d) Bani Zuhrah 24) Saad bn Abi Waqas is known as the first companion to have a) hugged the prophet Muhammad saw b) shot an arrow in the defence of Islam c) read book d) got married 25) Who was known as the leader of all believing women? a) Fatima ra b) Khadijah ra c) Sauda ra d) Aisha ra 26) Who did the prophets daughter Fatima ra marry? a) Jafar ibn abi Talib b) Ali ibn Abi Talib c) Talib ibn abi Talib d) Zaid bin Haritha 27) In which battle did Saad bn Abi Waqas fight alongside his brother Umayr? a) Khandak b) Hud c) Badr 28) Saad bn Abi Waqas was one of the companions of the prophet who was blessed with a) poverty b) wealth 29) Saad bn Abi waqas was also known for his a) generosity and courage b) attitude c) laziness 30) the 7th person to become Muslim was a) Abu Bakar As Sidique b) Khadijah ra c) Zaid ibn Haritha ra d) saad bn abi Waqas

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