self-esteem - Feeling of satisfaction, self-worth, and confidence., resource - Anything an individual can use to help reach personal goals., learning style - Way a person takes in information and processes it., career assessment - Tool to help an individual identify the career to which they are best suited based on personal strengths, interests, and skills., interest - Idea, topic, or activity a person enjoys., value - Belief, idea, or conviction that is important to a person., self-concept - One’s recognition of both the strengths and weaknesses they possess., aptitude - Characteristic that an individual develops naturally; also called a talent., ability - Mastery of a skill or the capacity to do something., attitude - How personal thoughts and feelings affect a person’s outward behavior., self-assessment inventory - Instrument that evaluates an individual’s personal information to help make career decisions., personality - Group of traits that makes each person unique.,

Ch. 2 Vocabulary Review


Visual style

Mga Option

I-switch ang template

I-restore ang gi-autosave: ?