areyto - Ceremonia religiosa. A religious ceremony performed by the Taino's people , Borinquén - La Isla de Puerto Rico. Name used to designate Puerto Rico, taino/a - Aborígines del Caribe. Indigenous people form the Caribbean. , batey - un lugar sagrado para ceremonias. a sacred place (a square) used to perform religious ceremonies, güiro - instrumento musical. Musical instrument made with a hollowed gourd with vertical ridges., maracas - Instrumento musical. A percussion instrument in the form of a hollow gourd or gourd-shaped container filled with dried beans or similar objects and played, usually in pairs, cemi - Piedra sagrada. The Cemi stone, with its three cardinal points, is a fundamental symbol in the Taino religion, cacique - Jefe de los Taínos. A tribal chieftain of the Taíno people, petróglifo - Imágen en rocas/piedras . An image created by carving a rock surface., rana coquí - Coquí is a common name for several species of small frogs, lagartija - Small lizard, máscara - mask used in ceremonies, múcaro - Puerto Rican owl,

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