carry on (doing sth) - to continue doing something, look forward to (sth/doing sth) - to feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen, look into sth - to examine the facts about a situation, stand out - to be very easy to see or notice, look out - something you say when someone is in danger, break down - to stop working., plot - the things that happen in a story, set off - to start a journey, villain - a bad person who harms other people or breaks the law, stuff - a substance, especially when you do not know or say exactly what it is, stuff oneself with food - to quickly eat too much food not paying attention to what you are actually eating, boo - to make an expression of strong disapproval or disagreement, staff - the group of people who work for an organization, and stuff - used to refer to more things of a similar kind to ones you have mentioned, when you do not say exactly what they are, predictable - Something that happens in a way or at a time that you know about before it happens,


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