1) Which is most responsible for the uneven heating of the air in the atmosphere? a) CONVECTION b) RADIATION c) CONDUCTION d) CONDENSATION 2) A pot is heated on a stove. Which process causes the metal handle of the pot to also become hot? a) RADIATION b) CONVECTION c) CONDUCTION d) COMBUSTION 3) People sitting around a campfire can feel the heat from the fire. How are the people able to feel the heat from the fire without touching the fire? a) The heat from the fire travels through the ground and heats the ground around the people. b) The heat from the fire is conducted through air molecules to the people. c) The heat from the fire rises in the air and then settles around the people. d) The heat from the fire radiates from the fire to the people. 4) Bill stands in a swimming pool and notices that the water around his feet is a lot cooler than the water near the surface. Which process causes this difference in temperature? a) The difference in temperature is caused by conduction. b) The difference in temperature is caused by convection c) The temperature difference is caused by radiation. d) The difference in temperature is caused by precipitation. 5) What happens to metal railroad tracks during the heat of a summer day? a) decrease in weight b) increase in weight c) decrease in length d) increase in length



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