Honesty, Willingness, Openmindedness, Acceptance, Unmanageability, Powerlessness, Faith, H.A.L.T. (hungry? angry? lonely? tired?), Emotional Balance, Let Go and Let God, Mindfulness, Resentment, Reservations, Moral Inventory, Anger, Higher Power, Mental Health, Amends, Self Will, Higher Power's Will, I can't, We can, Prayer, Taking Suggestions, Remaining Teachable, Sharing our Experience, Strength and Hope, Patience, Carrying the Message, Not the Addict, Principles Before Personalities, Sponsorship, Respecting Other Viewpoints, In Times of Illness, Misery is Optional, Recovery is My Responsibility, Powerless over Addiction, Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes, A Desire to Stop Using, Spirituality, Disappointment, Codependency, Relapse, Worry, Surrender, The Steps are in Order for a Reason, F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real), Meditation, Grief, Sadness, Denial, Self-Acceptance, Humility/Ego, Ah Ha moment.
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