vertigo - 眩晕, nystagmus - 眼球震颤, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) - 耳石性眩晕, febrile - fever, lethargic - sleepy, hyposmia/parosmia / anosmia / phantosmia - A reduction / altered / non smell, Snellen chart - for distant vision, Tinnitus - Hearing sound when no external sound is present, Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) - Hearing loss that occurs from problems either in the inner ear or on the vestibulocochlear (auditory) nerve, presbycusis - Age-related hearing loss., ototoxicity - Causing damage to or dysfunction of the cochlea or vestibule., conductive hearing loss - outer ear to the eardrum and middle ear, aphasia - A disorder that affects a client s ability to articulate and understand speech, tactile hypersensitivity / defensiveness - Being overly sensitive to tactile stimulilation., Idiopathic neuropathy - Neuropathy due to nerve damage of an unknown cause., hypogeusia ageusia  dysgeusia - A persistent salty, rancid, or metallic taste is said to have dysgeusia., EMG/electromyography - check if there is damage to the nerves leading to the muscles, opacification - 混浊, squint Strabismus - 斜视, gustatory - taste, neoplasms - mass of tissue,



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