1) Why did many civil rights activists disagree with Booker T. Washington’s views of civil rights? a) Washington supported radical, violent actions to encourage political change for African American b) Washington supported working within the current legal and political system to achieve rapid change. c) Washington believed that African Americans were not guaranteed the same rights as whites under the Constitution. d) Washington believed that African Americans should be patient and focus on becoming integral members of society. 2) Why was Booker T. Washington often criticized by civil rights leaders such as W.E.B. DuBois? a) for encouraging African Americans to use violent tactics as a means by which to force changes in government policy b) For arguing that African Americans should focus on establishing themselves in society through hard work and education before fighting for Civil Rights. c) for encouraging African Americans to emigrate from the United States to Africa and start new lives for themselves and their families d) for arguing that African Amreicans had not been citizens of the United States long enough to be entitled to the same rights awarded to others 3) What was Alonzo Herndon’s MAIN goal when he founded the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Association in 1905? a) To become as powerful and wealthy as possible b) To gain wealth to help other African Americans c) to end job discrimination against African Americans d) to create the largest insurance company in the South 4) How did the views of W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington differ? a) DuBois advocated tolerance of racial discrimination, while Washington argued that African Americnas must demand their civil rights to combat racism. b) DuBois believed AFrican Americnas must fight discrmination through any means necessary, including violence, while Washington believed it important to use only peaceful means of protest. c) Washington advocated tolerance of racial discrimination, while DuBois argued that African Americans must demand their Civil Rights to combat racism. d) Washington believed African Americans must fight discrimination through any means necessary, including violence, while DuBoise believed it important to use only peaceful means of protest 5) How did Alonzo Herndon try to improve the lives of African Americans in Atlanta? a) By working to improve living conditions in the city’s poorest segregated neighborhoods b) By organizing sit-ins and boycotts of Atlanta businesses that refused to serve African Americans c) By funding health education campaigns to improve the well-being of the city’s residents d) By providing employment opportunities for college-educated members of the community. 6) What did Booker T. Washington urge African Americans to focus on in his speech at the 1895 Atlanta Exposition? a) causing civil disorder to achieve social justice b) Advancing themselves through education. c) Improving their representation in politics d) Moving from the South to the North. 7) Which of the following did W.E.B. DuBois consider MOST important in the struggle for civil rights for African Ameicans? a) Increased political representation b) Improved economic opportunities c) Increased access to higher education d) Improved police protection of minorities. 8) Which answer would complete the following chain of events?  1- The boll weevil destroyed cotton 2- Georgia farmers lost their farms 3- ? a) Banks lost money b) Farmers became rich c) World War I occurred d) The stock market crashed 9) What happened to unemployment from 1930-1933? a) rising unemployment due to various New Deal programs b) decreasing unemployment due to European export tariffs c) decreasing unemployment due to boll weevil infections in the North d) Rising unemployment due to a reduction in purchasing and business closings 10) Many argue that the state of Georgia began to experience the effects of the Great Depression before most other states in the country due to which of the following factors? a) The state's reliance on a single crop made its economy extremely vulnerable b) Labor shortages prevented the state’s farmers from keeping up with demand. c) Unchecked immigration placed a substantial strain on the state’s finances. d) Rapid urbanization led to significant reductions in social services. 11) What did the effects of the droughts in the early 1900s and the 1915 boll weevil infestation show about Georgia? a) Georgia needed to diversify its economy b) Georgia had become too focused on industrialization. c) Georgia’s agricultural sector was the strongest in the country. d) Georgia’s economy was in danger of failing due to deregulation. 12) Which New Deal program helped Georgia farmers by appliances that enabled them to use electricity to help stimulate the economy? a) Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) b) Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) c) Social Security Administration (SSA) d) Rural Electrification Act (REA) 13) What was the MOST significant impact of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) on the state of Georgia? a) The improvement of the state park system. b) The construction of a state highway system. c) The urbanization of rural areas throughout the state. d) The electrification of rural areas throughout the state. 14) Which New Deal program paid farmers NOT to grow crops so the price of crops would stay high. a) Rural Electrification Act (REA) b) Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) c) Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) d) Civil Works Administration (CWC) 15) What caused the dramatic shift in the American public's opinion regarding military intervention overseas in 1941? a) The Germans attacked and sank a U.S. civilian ship. b) The Japanese attacked and sank a U.S. civilian ship. c) The Germans attacked the United States on its own soil. d) The Japanese attacked the United States on its own soil. 16) Why did the Japanese government bomb the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor? a) To gain access to valuable rubber and coal resources guarded by the base b) To convince the government of the United States to stay out of World War II. c) To relieve the pressure faced by Germany by forcing the United STates and the Allies to fight on two fronts d) To make it difficult for yhe United States to project its naval power into the Pacific theater of World War II 17) Why was the Lend-Lease Act signed into law? a) The government planned to share nuclear technology with the Allied Powers. b) The government believed that communist spies were working in the White House. c) The government feared that the Allied Powers would be defeated by the Axis Powers. d) The government wanted to remain neutral by giving weapons to all sides in World War II. 18) Which statement BEST describes the involvement of the United States in World War II before the bombing of Pearl Harbor? a) The United States secretly sank German submarines. b) The United States provided lend-lease aid to Great Britain c) The United States provided advisory troops to aid Great Britain. d) The United States maintained strict neutrality with no favoritism. 19) What was it called when the United States supplied allied countries with military equipment which helped Great Britain against German invasion? a) Neutrality Act of 1939 b) Declaration of War c) War Powers Act d) Lend-Lease Act

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