1) Mouth care is often overlooked, particuarly in acute settings a) True b) False 2) Patients with poor oral care can develop pneumonia a) True b) False 3) What position should a patient be in to brush their teeth if you are worried about them chocking? a) Sat upright with their head back b) Sat upright with their head in a neutral position c) Lying on their back d) Lying on their side with a bowl under their mouth 4) A patient tells you that they do not need to brush their teeth as they don't have any, how should you respond? a) Agree with the patient b) Discuss the possibility of bacteria in the mouth causing gum disease or infection c) Suggest that the patient uses mouth wash only d) Hide in the linen cupboard because you don't know the answer 5) Which chemical in prescribed mouthwash has antibacterial properties? a) Chlorhexidine b) Penicillin c) Fluoride d) Peppermint 6) What is this and what is it used for? a) A tongue depresser - used to visualise the back of the mouth b) A bite blocker - used to stop someone biting a toothrush 7) What is this and what is it used for? a) A suction toothbrush, used to prevent aspiration during mouth care b) A disposable toothbrush used in hospital 8) What is this and what is it used for? a) Mouth care swab - helps loosen sticky mucus secretions, food debris and thickened saliva b) Hospital toothbrush - used to remove plaque from teeth. 9) Why do you think these mouth swabs are often not used in the NHS? a) The sponge could detach and choke the patient. b) They are too expensive. 10) How could you manage a dry mouth in a patient who is nil by mouth (NBM) long term? a) Give only small sips of water b) Use a saliva replacement such as biotene dry mouth c) Wet some gauze and dab it on their tongue and lips d) Spray water in their mouth. 11) What do you think this patient has? a) Oral thrush (fungal infection) often caused by taking antibiotics b) Oral thrush (fungal infection) caused by STIs c) Build up of plaque on the tongue caused by inadequate brushing d) Food deposit on the tongue 12) What do you think this patient has? a) An oral cyst, most likely caused by infection b) A mouth ulcer, most likely caused by biting

Mouth Care Quiz


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