Galea aponeutrotica - Connects frontalis and occipitalis , Temporalis - Elevate and retract lower jaw, role in biting and chewing food, Corrugator supercilii - frowning of eyebrows, Nasalis - Flare nostrils, Levator labii superioris - Lift upper lip, open nostrils, Masseter - Chewing, Buccinator - Hold cheek towards teeth, Depressor anguli oris - Frown of mouth, Mentalis - Elevate and protrude lower lip, Sternocleidomastoid - Bend neck, turn and tilt head, Frontalis - Raises eyebrows, pull scalp forwards, Procerus - Pulls brow downwards and helps flare nostrils, Orbitularis occuli - Closes eyelids, Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi - Lifts upper lip and wing of nose, Zygomaticus minor - Draws upper lip backward, outward and upwards. Used for smiling, Zygomaticus major - Pull angle of lip superlaterally, Risorius - Pulls corner of mouth laterally , Orbitularis oris - Close and purse the lips, Depressor labii inferious - Chin muscle that controls lower lip, Levator anguli oris - Raises angle of mouth in smiling, Levator scapulae - Elevates scapula and rotates downwards, Trapezius - Stabilize and move the scapula, Platysma - Draws the lower lip interiorly and postiorly, lowers jaw, tenses skin of anterior neck and cheeks, Pterygoid - Depresses the mandible and opens the mouth,
Muscle actions of face and neck
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