cement - Substance for sticking bricks together., correspondence - Communication through writing, such as letters or emails., cyan - A greenish-blue., calligraphy - Decorative handwriting using a special pen., cellophane - Crinkly plastic wrapping often used for food., cytoplasm - Jelly-like substance inside cells., precept - A rule about how to live your life., cymbals - Percussion instrument that consists of big metal plates that crash together., lucid - Very clear and vivid., capitulate - To give in or surrender., recite - To speak a text aloud from memory., cardiovascular - Relating to the heart and blood vessels., cybercrime - Crime committed using computers or the internet., constellation - A group of stars with a name e.g. Orion, caramel - Sugary, sticky substance often used in chocolates., biceps - Muscles in the upper arm., concerned - Worried or anxious., policy - An approach or rule that has been agreed by an organisation such as a school or a political party. , cumulative - Building on what has been done in the past., cartography - Map-making.,

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