costbenefit analysis - a tool for comparing the costs of a decision with its benefits, drain on resources - continuously using a lot of time, money, etc., longterm viability - the (potential) profitability of a business continuing a long time into the future, return on investment - the profit from an activity for a particular period compared with the amount invested in it, quantifiable data - data that can be counted or measured, and given a numerical value, assets - something having value, such as a possession or property, that is owned by a person, business, or organization, shortterm profit - profits a company makes from the sale of an asset that it's had for one year or less, market value - the price at which something can be sold, at a particular time in a particular place, bottom line - the final line in the accounts of a company or organization, stating the total profit or loss that has been made,

Corporate Social Responsibility 4-C1, Unit VII


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