1) Poor quality land Native Americans were forced to live on a) Crucify b) Theme c) Reservation 2) To beat with fists a) Mute b) Pummel c) Mystery 3) To torture or treat poorly a) Crucify b) Betray c) Astronomy 4) To not be loyal or unable to trust a) Translucent b) Mascot c) Betray 5) To pass light through a) Pummel b) Translucent c) Astronomy 6) An animal or person that represents something (Ketcham Storm) a) Crucify b) Reservation c) Mascot 7) Science that deals with stars or the atmosphere a) Astronomy b) Mute c) Mystery 8) To be kept a secret or remain unknown a) Pummel b) Mystery c) Reservation 9) To be quiet or silence - to not speak a) Antagonist b) Theme c) Mute

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