Extended Hold - Any hold over 3 minutes, results in QA point loss, If customer is on hold, best time to check in is - 2 min mark, Silent holds longer than _______ result in QA deduction. - 60 seconds, Full Demo - Confirm all contact information and any alternate phone numbers, If a call comes in unauthenticated click ______ prior to authenticating. - Start Session, TTMR - Talked to Customer, 3PAR - Talked to Authorized 3rd party, TTOT - Talked to Unauthorized 3rd party, Verbal authorization for 3rd parties typically expires after - 90 days, Party that can be verbally authorized for the life of the loan - Spouse, When speaking to a MA customer, you must provide what? - RMT number, Message Code 35 - Attorney Representation, Message Code 91 - Legal - no calls, Interview Tab - Checklist for ensuring QA compliance, Advanced Search Tool, Loan History, Add Authorized 3rd Party, Escalation Acknowledgement - ESCA, LRVW - Manager Reviewed Loan, ESCC - Escalation Call Complete,
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