velvety - soft, smooth and slightly plush., grainy - fine particles with a rough, sandy feel., bumpy - uneven surface with small raised areas., matte - smooth and not shiny, glossy - smooth and shiny, silky - smooth and flowy, shiny, rough - course and uneven, fibrous - thread like with a visible grain, gritty - fine roughness, like sandpaper or rough stone, polished - very smooth and shiny, brushed - faint lines in a direction, porous - lots of little holes like a sponge, crinkled - wrinkled or creased, feathery - soft and light with fine strands, waxy - smooth, tacky and almost plastic like, furry - covered with fur, spongy - soft, porous and squeezeable, tactile - inviting to the touch, pitted  - small indentations or pits in the surface, metallic - shiny and smooth. Metally,

Adjectives of Texture


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