Command Economy: Government controls all property, Government controls all means of production (factories, machines, resources), Government provides housing for all, Government controls what products are produced, Government decides how much products cost, Government decides how much people are paid for work, Exists in a few countries today, including Cuba , Used to exist in the Soviet Union, Government controls what kinds of jobs people have, Market Economy: Businesses and consumers control prices, Government does not regulate business, Property is privately controlled, Businesses control means of production (factories, machines, resources), Laws of supply (how much of something there is) and demand (how much of something people want) determine price of goods, Doesn't really exist in any country, Mixed Economy: United States and most countries, Laws of supply and demand set most prices, Government regulates some business practices in order to protect consumers, Government regulates levels of pollution, Government regulates safety of cars produced, Government regulates dangerous products like cigarettes and alcohol, Government regulates food safety, Government does not allow monopolies (businesses that control an entire category - i.e. if only Verizon offered cell phone plans), People are able to open businesses and control means of production, Government sets minimum wage,
Types of Economic Systems
7th Grade
8th Grade
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