conundrum - a difficult question; puzzle, convergence - the process of coming together with others, convulse - to shake or spasm, crusader - a warrior who engages in a holy war, deleterious - causing hurt or damage, delve - to dig; to search deeply , demagogue - a politician who appeals to prejudice and fear, demure - modest and reserved in manner or behavior, detour - a alternative route; side trip, digress - to leave the main subject; to go off on a tangent, diligent - hardworking; persistent, discredit - to prove as false or unworthy, disdain - contempt; disrespect, dispute - argue, divergent - different or contrasting, drafty - breezy, usually uncomfortable., dread - to fear greatly, ebb - to fade away, recede, empathy - the ability to share in another´s feelings, emulate - imitate; copy, enervate - weaken, ephemeral - short lived, erratic - irregular, inconsistent, undependable, ethnobotanist - person who studies plants to develop medicines, evanescent - to fade from sight, exalt - to glorify, exemplary - a good example, extenuating - serving to lessen or explain, factitious - artificially created, fare - money paid for travel, fissure - opening, groove or split, gamely - in a spirited manner; with courage, godsend - a sudden happening that brings good fortune, gyre - a circular motion of water, haberdasher - a dealer in men's clothing, grandiloquent - pompous, arrogant, trying to impress, vignette - a brief descriptive passage in writing, immutable - unchangeable, Incursion - an attack on another's territory; a raid, Inextricable - impossible to untangle or get loose from,
10th (S2) Vocab #3
10th Grade
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Výsledková tabule/Žebříček
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chcete-li jej zveřejnit.
Tuto výsledkovou tabuli vypnul majitel zdroje.
Tento žebříček je zakázán, protože vaše možnosti jsou jiné než možnosti vlastníka zdroje.
Možnosti vrácení
Prasknutí balónku
je otevřená šablona. Negeneruje skóre pro žebříček.
Vyžaduje se přihlášení.
Vizuální styl
Je vyžadováno předplatné
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