The 15th Amendmentto the U.S. Constitution granted suffrage tights to African American men. What does suffrage mean? - The right to vote, Name the organization that whose slogan is " A mind is a Terrible thing to waiste." - United Negro College Fund, On May 10, 1994, who was sworn in as the first black president of South America? - Nelson Mandela, Name the athelet who defied Hitler's theory of black inferiority by winning 4 gold medals at the Berlin Olympics? - Jesse Owens, Who was the 1st African American U.S. Senator? Hiram R. Wells or Blanche K. Bruce? - Hiram R. Revels, What name was given to the period of cultural rebirth that took place in Harlem, New York - Harlem Renaissance, In the 1960s, what form of civil rights protest began with a long bus ride through the south? - Freedom Rides, Name the black mathematician who was a surveyor on the team that planned the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) - Benjamin Banneker, Who was the Founder of C.O.R.E. : James Farmer or Julian Bond - James Farmer, Name the scientist whose research led to an efficient method of storing large quantitis of blood plasma in "blood banks.". - Charles Drew, Which constitutional amendment abolished slavery throughout the United States? - 13th Amendment, who planned and organized the March on Washington? - A.Philip Randolph, Who recorded the 1969, song "I'm Black and I'm Proud?" - James Brown, What do we call the slave songs that combined African rhythems with biblical scriptures? - Negro Spirituals, Who was the first African American to make a formal bid for the U.S. Presidency? - Shirley Chilsom, Who founded the Black Panter Party? - Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, What name was given to the escape system used by slaves to find safety in the North? - Underground Railroad, Who were the African American Air Force pilots who are recognized for their bravery during World War II - Tuskeegee Airmen, What African American holiday was established to honor the announcement that slvery ended? - Juneteenth, What song is considered to be the National Negro Anthem? - Lift Every Voice and Sing,
Black History Trivia
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