Use "right, "left", and "straight" - When giving directions to a guest, Count the change out loud in front of the guest - When giving change to a guest you should:, use sir or ma'am until you find out his or her name - If you do not know a guest's name, you should:, 3 - Telephone calls should be answered within how many rings?, Call your supervisor Immediately - What should you do if you are unable to resolve a guest complaint?, Due-Back Form - A list of each cash transaction conducted during your shift, Within 10 Minutes - When Should a follow up courtesy call happen, A pet is - Not a service animal , Routine need - Does NOT need immediate attention , Upselling - Describing the features and benefits of the more expensive rooms, Who should express check outs be offered - Guests with approved credit authorizations, Lost Safe Deposit box key - Guest is responsible for drilling and replacement costs , Non-guaranteed reservation - The evening of the guest's expected arrival, Pre-Blocked rooms - VIP and Accessible , Tub Check - verify the guests accounts are accurate, Rack Rate - The standard non-discounted rate for a specific type of guest room, VIP's - Typically escorted to room by manager or front desk person , Advance Deposit - An amount equal to the amount of a night's charge that a guest pays in advance, Key to property success - Being an excellent team player, shift checklist - Reminders of important tasks that need to be performed during each shift, Late Check Out - If requested, charge the guest 50% of the normal room change, ID and assigned room - If a guest asks for a replacement key verify , Latex and utility and leather gloves - can be properly disinfected and reused, Early Make-up - a guest that wants to check in early,
Front Desk Representative Review
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