What does Wahi mean? - Revelation, What does Din mean? - The religion of Islam, What is the name of the Book of Allah that has never change? - The Quran, What is the name of the book that revealed to Prophet Ibrahim? - Suhuf, To which Prophet the Suhuf revealed? - Prophet Ibrahim, In which language the Suhuf was? - Aramaic , What is happening to the book Suhuf? - It has been lost, What is the name of the book that revealed to Prophet Musa? - Tawrat, To which Prophet Tawrat was revealed? - Prophet Musa, To which people did Allah send Prophet Musa? - Bani Israel, What is the language for the book Tawrah? - Hebrew, What is happing to the book Tawrah? - People have made a change in this book, What is the name of the book that revealed to Prophet Dawud? - Zabur, What is the language of Zabur ? - Language of Bani Isreal, What is happening to Zabur? - t has been changed or lost, What is the name of the book revealed to Prophet Isa? - Injil, What is the name of the book revealed to Prophet Muhammad? - Quran, When did Quran reveal? - More than 1,400 years ago, In which language the Quran revealed? - Arabic, What did Allah promise about Quran? - To protect it from any changes, What does Khatam un-nabiyin mean? - Seal of the Prophets,
Books of Allah
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