analyze - to examine something carefully and with focus, apply - to connect something you know or can do to another situation, assess - to make a judgment about, cite - to mention or quote as an example to support an idea, claim, or opinion, claim - to state a position that may go against the positions of others, clarify - to make something easier to understand, compare - to see what is the same or similar about two or more items , or to judge which is better, contrast - to see what is different about two or more items, or to decide which is worse, counterclaim - a claim that goes against a previous claim, credible - reasonable to trust or believe, critique - to express your opinion about the good and bad parts of something, define - to explain the meaning of something, detail - a fact or piece of information about something, determine - to decide the truth or validity of something (facts, statistics, or claims), develop - to grow or change and become more advanced, evaluate - to determine the value, worth, or importance of something after careful consideration, evidence - something that proves that a claim is true or valid, explain - to make clear with sufficient reasons or details, fact - true and provable piece of information, infer - to use information you have been given to come to a conclusion, integrate - to combine one thing with another to make a whole, interpret - to explain or understand the meaning of, paraphrase - to record something written or spoken by someone else in your own words, plagiarize - to use another's words without permission,
Academic Vocabulary
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Tento žebříček je zakázán, protože vaše možnosti jsou jiné než možnosti vlastníka zdroje.
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